Wake up, World! Do you know what your author is doing?

So I worked out at 5 a.m. I don't think we can rule out the possibility that I'm INSANE. Ahem. I mean motivated.

Anyway the sunrise was gorgeous and getting the blood pumping does sort of jump-start the day.

Here's a good morning quote for you:

"Beautiful young people are an accident of nature. Beautiful old people are works of art." Eleanor Roosevelt


P.S. I was inspired to use a quote from the incomparable Eleanor by a profile quote of a new pal about always believing in your own worth. Now go out and take that world by storm!!


Anonymous said…
Kimber-- you have my admiration. I walked most days this summer. Here in Texas ya gotta get out early rather than melt. I love looking at the moon as well as clouds and sunrises.
As I go back to work next week, I lose that early morning walking time. I am awed by your ability to balance writing, doctoring, and making time to take care of yourself. Eleanor would have enjoyed knowing such a spunky, bright lady.
Kimberly Frost said…
Ah, Lisa, thank you! Most days, my life feels anything but balanced, but let's keep fighting the good fight. :)

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