Drowning Pumpkins
My friend Rick and I spent some time discussing the fact that there are still a number of people who are not deterred from climbing Mt. Everest by a small thing like the high probability of death. When there are numerous other activities one might engage in for fun and sport, it makes one wonder what people are about. Are we bored? Stubborn? Ahem...insane?
Then a few days ago, I was drawn to the ABC news site where I watched a clip about underwater pumpkin-carving. The interview subject said it's quite challenging since pumpkins float. Some divers actually weigh the pumpkins down in order to get them to stay underwater for the carving. (Delay from typing as I contemplate this and laugh...again.) Do these poor divers lack kitchen tables? Perhaps we should start a fund.
So, I'm just curious...does it strike anyone else that we are a staggeringly silly species?
I think it's silly, very silly, and fun in an extreme way as long as they don't start taking themselves too seriously.
Now, just let them try to beat my 39 second solution time to freecell solitare. That's a real chalenge.
K, you have to wonder what made someone think, hey, why don't we do this underwater? :-)
Underwater sewing & Hair Brushing & laundry folding?
Hope everyone's having a great day! I'm brainstorming a new book and doing some studying for the "day" job.
I wish I was going to be free for my friends' Halloween party this weekend, but I'm working. Drat. Anyone going to Halloween parties, and, if so, what are you wearing?
Happy New Book Plotting!
One way of breaking the cycle of the ordinary, perhaps.