Several wonderful friends have asked if my books will be available this year in time for Christmas. Unfortunately no. In the meantime, I see no reason that I can't try to influence your book-buying, since some of you asked... Christine Goff combines two great ways to spend time, reading and birdwatching. (And doesn't she have beautiful covers?) This terrific series also has a scene that references The In-laws, a favorite movie of mine. Isn't Peter Falk awesome? Susan Goodwill's book is fun and light with numerous laugh out loud moments and quirky characters. Fans of NYT-bestselling author Jennifer Crusie will enjoy it. Susan's new book will be out in spring, so now is a great time to get introduced to this series. John Getze's book is just as cool and funny as he is. Austin Carr is the sort of hero you have to shake your head at while rooting for him to survive his adventures. I loved this book, and it was the first book my dad has liked as much as Lawrence Bl...